Saturday, May 13, 2006

Mother's Day - Part Three

Just in from signing Omar up for Beavers (Canada - I saw your hubby there, what a fun group! :-)) and having my MIND BLOWN at a scrap booking store - THAT is a serious hobby! I have been collecting pictures of specific flowers that over the years are my mother's favourites (she is an avid gardner) as well as ones that are meaningful to her and I as mother and daughter. These will be laid out on beautiful card stock booklet made my moi, the pictures printed beautifully (although I wasn't happy with the lily - it was a little over exposed...anyhoo...) the meaning of each of these ten flowers will be included. I know that she sees them frequently, and throughout the season (such as her lilies and the lily pads at the house, as well as she is starting my morning glories from seed for me right now :-))....So, I thought that being reminded of the meaning behind each of these special flowers would enhance her classes at the horicultural society, walks through her garden, continued nurturing as well as remind her of how much I love her on a more frequent basis :-). Not to mention that if I spent any money right now she'd have my ass in a sling! lol Besides, who wouldn't like to look at more flowers? Oh, yeah, and I did get her her favourite flowers too :-). Who knows, maybe even dad will look at her garden with more appreciation - even though he is the mastermind behind the watering system that was put in place for her garden :-).

So. When I popped in the door to kick off my shoes, guess what awaits me in the closet? :-)))

This beautiful poem from Omar with two children carefully coloured, the boy in blue with brown hair and the girl with long gold hair wearing pink with blue colour and yellow around her wrists.

God made a wonderful mother,
A mother who never grows old.
He made her smile of sunshine.
He moulded her heart of gold.
He made her like an angel,
As anyone ever could be.
God made a wonderful mother
And that mother he gave to ME!



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