Friday, October 06, 2006

Bed Wigglin', other Gifts and Over Investments at the Chuggalug Inn

To all of the people in the back, I wanna thank you. Thank you for all your luv.

To all the people in the front, thank YOU. Thank you for believin' in me.

To everyone who said "phone that mutha f&@kha and ask him WHY!?!? What the f*%k were you thinkin!?"



This is your blog.

This is your blog on Gospel. (Aretha Franklin's influence - Amazing Grace is playing)

Hey! What a *STELLAR* day! (Yes, I can oscillate from misery on Day 4 to glee on Day 6)

I can honestly say that I have been through six months of hell at work, two months of sciatic pain after the marathon, one month of unemployed uncertainty and stress.... I finally feel the normalcy of mySELF and the security of employment just four days away. I've been frickin petrified at times, full of self doubt, worry, blech. Sucked. I made the best of it, but I don't do well unemployed, I've worked since I was eighteen. Let me say, it's been pretty damn dry other than riding my bike, hanging with my friends and parenting. Did I mention I will have gone through 2 months without any pay? I can't believe I don't have MORE zits.

Summer was great. Dating was FUN that's for sure!

Tonight I hosted "Boy's Night". It closely resembled chaos and a whole lotta fun! Four young lads running crazy in the basement while the dog chased his tail. The new "games room" was a big hit. The punching bag makes a great swing.

Spoke with the men in my life that I love and who love me back, heard from King of the Grotto, Anum in CA who said "call him", The Pres (I'm setting him up with my financial consultant)"call him and I think you have a pretty good idea of just how beautiful you are and what a wonderful woman you are in every way...", my bro "what day you comin' up? you bringing the boyfriend....yeeesh :-/ sorry, talk about putting my foot in my mouth *much laughter*, you're gonna ask him why huh?..", got to eat lunch with my new boss, (who, I must say reminds me of Tony from The Sopranos) and my buddy Brainacle. Got caught up with ML and T "did you call him YET" over a glass of wine while certain destruction occurred in the basement. King of the Grotto left me a message on my machine "...I thought that "Dipwad" was amazing. A very, very good man, it seems. I'm so happy for you, it's great. ... No Ultimate this weekend due to Thanksgiving...yada, yada, yada".

I'll get my work territory on Tuesday and ride around with Brainacle for part of the day. How refreshing was it to hear, "yeah, come in anytime between..." Octoberfest Thursday, with an "Amazing Race Challenge" and then off to Toronto for training for four days at the end of October. I'll miss Halloween, but that's the way it goes.

Help me Obiwon Kanobe, you're my only hope.

I wonder if you're a Jewish Star Wars fan if you say "yoda, yoda, yoda".

(Weird Al - Star Wars Cantina is playing)

Well, Jiffy, it's been a pretty good day. Seven months in the waiting. Hockey comes early, so as Marvin Gaye plays me out with "When a Man Loves a Woman"... I bid you, Good night.



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