Friday, December 22, 2006

Pig Pen

Wooo Hooooo!!!! All the presents are wrapped, the bathrooms are clean. Just to vacuum and dust tomorrow, maybe a little laundry and we're GOOD TO GO!

At one point in my life I was so sick of working for other people, (I was the highest producing employee in my department, but had a micro-managing hag for a boss who used to stand behind me while I worked until I thought I'd peel out of my skin). She needed to be drop kicked. Anyway, finally one day I had enough and quit my job rather unexpectedly without other work lined up. So, I started to work for myself cleaning homes. I didn't care about the cleaning, didn't care about the labour, I've always been a good worker, I just couldn't hack working for anyone else anymore.

There were many perks, my own hours, if I felt like calling it a "Ski Day" it was my call, all my customers were fan-frickin-tastic and if they weren't, I turfed them and replaced them with people I liked. The money was decent too.

Side benefit, today I can whip through my house to clean it in record time. No, I'm not going over to clean your house, so don't be cute and ask. I was so grossed out watching a show today I think it's called "Is Your Home Clean Enough". I don't remember, but this woman was living in an absolute pig pen, the cat(s) would puke and shit and piss under her bed, there was animal hair everywhere, the kitchen was filthy, the bathroom! UGH! She had boots and shoes in her tub!? Who does that?!!!! A slob that's who. Her microwave was disgusting OMG it was a nightmare.

They did culture swabs of her computer keyboard and under her bed, it was actually a viable health hazard the way she was living. That would scare the shit out of me. If I'm really tired or stressed I have trouble breathing and I think if I were in her house, I'd have a full blown asthma attack.

Some people's kids.


Blogger crse said...

I dont know if i should feel a sense of false security because there are no boots in my tub or animal feces (ok i feel confident to say no feces total) or alarmed because of the thought of viable health threats. What am i doing blogging? I got to kick my ass in gear!

Saturday, 23 December, 2006  
Blogger nancycle said...

Yeah, well, shit happens, hopefully not under your bed though!

Sa! Git goin' girl!

Saturday, 23 December, 2006  

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