Thursday, April 13, 2006

Is This The Right Room for an Argument?


I have enjoyed Math most of my life. Elementary school triggered a spark of an "AHA!!!" moment when I was the first in my class to “Get” long division. My teacher asked me to help out the other students. A little later on, High School offered more complicated formulas. I found myself wanting to just write the answer, I was required to include my process. Harmph! Over time I guess I learned that showing the process is the proof that you actually understand the Math. …. I understood it well enough to be recognized with an award for honours and granted a monetary scholarship at graduation. Something, normally I don't like to mention.

Demons Almighty

Control, Addiction, co-dependency, feelings, behaviour, the recycling hydraulic of something evil this way comes … Life can be pleasurable, it can be disturbing... Last night after the dust of the day settled, I went to battle and I wept, won some and lost some. Today I look forward to enjoying the start of a four day weekend. More plans of removing more clutter, painting, gardening all the busy little things in life to do that bring enjoyment after your heart has been weighed, finely sliced, massaged, dipped in holy water, pureed, gelled, held, cherished, perished, packed away, buried, planted, watered and warmed.

After you kick your “habit”, after you’ve kicked it, whipped it’s ass Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon - KILL BILL style, Buffy, whatever your pleasure, you do it again and keep doing it as often as you need to, until the behaviour is as automatic as an inner ninja cow :-) So, what comes next? I suspect you’ll know what to do. Moo. :-) and smile like Mona Lisa on the inside, what comes out are devine rays of goodness that only God can manufacture. Or if you’re a cow, it could just be shit, but even manure has it’s place. ;-)

Room for Accupuncture

My extreme good fortune to be “recalibrated” inside out with him. In my corner of “those that heal”, his wisdom, his knowledge, his experience of the inner workings and mapwork of the spirit, the soul is all encompassing all good. When you can allow yourself to let everything go. ... Down to your final grain of sand and the person across from you can hold it, when they know exactly what to say… and show you with their energy alone that you only felt like a grain of sand and that you are heard. Forever when I look at the stars dotted across the sky, so shiny, so brilliant and so bright, so far away, I hope to be warmly reminded of billions of people who have felt the very same way. You are not alone.

Tomorrow we are focusing on my celebration of success, of demons, of habits that no longer serve me ~ kicked to the curb. While I am literally pinned down to let it all go to work. (This is what you do with an inner child with ADD. LOL! No where to run, no where left to hide)

Thank you Dr. R for the garden, for the water, for the air, for the space, for having me to own it, for being a beautiful man, for telling me to breath IT in, for holding my hand, for showing me the way, for the board and the date, for leaving one in ;-), for filling me up with all that is good, for being so courageous to go there with me. Thank you for looking deep into eyes that are brimming with tears, for drawing near a part of me that was staying hidden in the dark.

Thank you for hearing that I’m tired. Congratulations and thank you, a MIRACLE.

When you’re ready, you never know who those people in your life will be.

In honour of my late and dear friend Leah, a story about “cows”:

The only tyrant I will accept in this world is the still small voice within me. –Ghandi

From my Aunt Helen:

When you are in Deep , say nothing, and try to look like you know what you're doing….


I think I'm gonna turf the dining room set and put the computer downstairs, bookcase to the basement and make the loft into a YOGA room. I'd LOVE to put some holds on this wall here....Ahh to dream...Gotta get movin' GAME NIGHT!!!!!!!! GO SENS GO!!!!!!


Blogger Canada said...

You like math. And I thought we were friends! ;-)

There will be no "turfing" of the dining room set. Instead, there will be friends who graciously offer to "take care of it" until you need it back. I would be those friends. Our kitchen table is warping at warp speed - ha ha - and over my dead body will turfing be allowed. I like that set.

Thursday, 13 April, 2006  
Blogger nancycle said...

You don't understand. I HATE the dining room set. HATE it, passionately. OH! I just read on - LMAO! OK, you know what, if my warp isn't worse than your warp, you can most definately "take care of it" for me. Maybe we can do a switcheroo (although text doesn't allow for one raised eyebrow, I have one).

About math...I know, I know...I'm all geeky, Jeet (his real name is BikarmajettMoot) Moudgil and I used to compete for 100% test scores in grade twelve. Honestly I used to do long division in my head on the walk home from elementary school progressively increasing from two, to three digit numbers....


Friday, 14 April, 2006  

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