The Shame Triangle
OUCH!! ouch ouch ahwWWwwich.
Thank goodness for Carnation instant breakfast.
Everybody's having more fun than me.
Even zamphir panflutemaster(crse) is embracing the lighter side of death.
Kapgar threw a party for his wife's 30th.
Realm of the Lone Grey Squirrel is well, just look and read, the pictures speak for themselves.
Speaking of pictures frickin Daaaaave (aka my blog crush) at Blogography has a National Geofrickingraphic spread over on his blog.
Canada is celebrating her ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of blogging.
Diane is sporting a new love life that has encaptured her.
Billy is leaving?!?! (is that even allowed?!?)
Jen is has started a revival movement and has just got braces.
Avi has been illustrating.
and what have I got to show or share?
Strep throat.
Thank goodness for Carnation instant breakfast.
Everybody's having more fun than me.
Even zamphir panflutemaster(crse) is embracing the lighter side of death.
Kapgar threw a party for his wife's 30th.
Realm of the Lone Grey Squirrel is well, just look and read, the pictures speak for themselves.
Speaking of pictures frickin Daaaaave (aka my blog crush) at Blogography has a National Geofrickingraphic spread over on his blog.
Canada is celebrating her ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY of blogging.
Diane is sporting a new love life that has encaptured her.
Billy is leaving?!?! (is that even allowed?!?)
Jen is has started a revival movement and has just got braces.
Avi has been illustrating.
and what have I got to show or share?
Strep throat.
I just hope that National Geofrickingraphic Magazine doesn't sue! :-)
Sue?! They'll probably offer you a frickin job! :-)
I'd settle for a frickin' koala bear! They have koala bears at National Geofrickingraphic Magazine don't they?
Hi, sorry you are not feeling well. Strep throat responds quite fast to antibiotics so you should be feeling better soon.
I protest however that having the runs and risking the headlines "Eaten while shittin'" does not constitute having a good time!
Oh, yes. You are absolutely right about dave2's photo spread. It's fantastical.
dave2 - they will once you take some pictures of them :)
lone grey squirrel - thanks, the pain is still there but less now with the added benefit of stress from missed road work and a subsequent nervous tummy. ... and ... err... yeah, like, you win dude. ;) take care :)
Yeaah! I am the most miserable. I am the most miserable. Yeaah!
Umm. Wait a minute......(flash of realisation)!
oh sunshine, i remember fantasizing about my own tonsilectomy during strep. Feel better friend!
Doh! I just had a chance to drop in, and look what I missed! (along with the adorable brief summary of bloggers in the news, tee hee!)
I hope you are feeling better. I have had more than my share of strep in my life (including the worst my doctor had every seen one year) and you have my utmost sympathies!
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