Saturday, May 06, 2006

UB40 but you Ain't Be Married Party!

After some unavoidable delays surrounding car issues, we made our way across provincial borders to join the gang for our evening soire. I simply LUUUV dressing up...Those tres cool cocoa pants I picked up in Paris (a man actually said "Do you have a license to drive that thing?" *SHOCK!* He was referring my bottom). The pants have a front skirt ....Oh, they're too cool to even try to describe, with the Paris wedgies (shoe shopping in Paris is the BOMB - don't hate me because I'm beautiful) and the Jacob jacket...Hair, makeup, perfume...There was a stunning black baby grand serving jumbo shrimp and other hors d'oeuvres....I met up with an old friend who became my diner companion. Not just any diner companion, but an old friend whom, at the tender age of seven would profess his love to me and propose marriage. You know that boy who just never stopped chasing? Wines were excellent, room was nicely lit, private, prepared for 32 guests overlooking the golf course. Primarely my brother's friends (a colourful well behaved crew - The Hiltons even showed - unbelievable, I had to ask them in the ladies room how often they get the "you look like" ... "every other day" I'm told), so I knew the majority with a few new female faces. Mmmm...The foood! Leek soup, cesaer salad, filet mignon, baked tomato topped with bread crumbs saturated in butter, green beans....Wine, wine, wine and more wine. I let my diner companion drive me home. Date potential you ask? Well, while most of my readers (namely only my friends who have a latent interest in my "love life") know that I took myself off the market for a two season minimum, opening the flood gates (more like the Kentuky Derby) to dating one and all come summer time. With all that said, yes, I did let him drive me home due to extremely good behaviour and was in bed by 4am. (for my friends, yes, we detoured so he could show me one of his investment properties in the Glebe)

Early the following morning the shower beating down on my rather sore skull the song plays over and over in my noggin' Red-Red Wine you make me feel so fine, keep me rockin' all of the time....Ohhhhhhhhhh make it stop.


Blogger Canada said...

Gatorade, you forgot the Gatorade. Add 2 Advil, and voila, hangover is gone!

You are SO right - those pants are amazing, and the shoes, too. (why do you have to have such little feet, dammit?!)

Hmmmm. . . did you see the INSIDE of the "investment property"?

Sunday, 07 May, 2006  
Blogger nancycle said...

I can't believe I forgot the Gatorade! Thankfully the one Advil did the trick.

You can borrow the scarf anytime!

Yes, as a matter of fact I did see inside ONE of the "investment propertIES".

Spanking new cherry sleigh bed, all antique pocket doors refurbished and newly keyed, five by eight granite wall behind the spanking new cherry sleigh bed. Newly painted, photos from ONE of his trips to Paris (or was it one of the trips to Hong Kong?) adorn the walls along with pictures of his friends which he has had since childhood. Hm. OH! The kitchen. All stainlesss steel appliances, terra cotta walls...hardwood flooring, big backyard for the Glebe...garage...Drives a BMW SUV, loves children...was putting wicker furniture together (a gift for his mom for Mother's Day)... his Grandma is 96...and he wants to cook me supper this Wednesday.

Anything else you'd like to know?

Monday, 08 May, 2006  
Blogger Boo said...

you go girl!!!!! so THERE!!!

Monday, 08 May, 2006  

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