Friday, May 05, 2006

The Grind

Omar's baseball game Monday night was great. He really enjoyed himself or in his words I LOVE THIS GAME MUM! Uh-huh. Hit the ball every time (cute; first hit = stood there, stunned, then ran with the bat to first base after a full chorus of RUN!!! RUN!!! From the stands).

Tuesday, as Omar and I pull into the laneway, a LARGE brown box addressed to Omar sits upon our front steps. Return address: Louisiana. He can barely lift it! "Can I open it?" he asks. Gawd I love this kid. Can you open it? YES OPEN IT!! :-) Behind the brown paper packaging, slicing through the clear packing tape, unveiling the glory that is...LEGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My VBFF has forwarded Omar her eldest son's Lego collection (Part One I'm told). This was in response to an e-mail PLEA that we sent out at the end of March when Omar told me it felt like he only had 5 pieces of Lego...Anyhoo, girlfriend - you pulled through and THANK YOU! Omar's reply: THIS IS THE VERY BEST DAY OF MY ENTIRE LIFE!!!!!!! (Just this morning I caught him ever so lovingly gazing at his newest Lego creations...) Ahh...Happiness IS.

After the Lego Party & Festivities... I perservered and made it to practice. I'm finding it a little "tricky" to follow some of the newer skaters in our club. Buy "tricky" I mean LIFE THREATENING. Next practice I'll redefine my placement. The experience served several purposes, such as patience, refining teaching skills and not full race speed 100% of the time - which was not suitable for me that night.

Wednesday I took ML out for a skate, she's wanting to get back into shape after the baby and is complaining about how her skates feel etc. We had a good preliminary accessment, defined some focus and goals. We'll continue to work in this direction.

Thursday rain showers meant PRACTICE CANCELLED which suited me fine. I've been missing Omar (he's SO much fun :-)) and my right knee needs some downtime/massage etc. We had MOVIE night last night, which roughly translates into eating supper on TV tables, followed up with bowls of popcorn, doritios, popsicles, chocolate pudding & cuddling up on the couch to enjoy ... KING KONG!!! What seven year old wouldn't love King Kong? Happy kid. We both really enjoyed the movie, for me, I could relate to Fay Raye, watching her relationship with the APE...if it weren't for the ongoing back to back, scene by scene irony, I'd say there were "some deja vu moments" for sure.... :-)

We road bikes to school today and Omar was the recipient of a SHINY NEW LOCK for his bike. He became quite upset with me when we went to cross the road and he misunderstood my instructions ... But we won't get into that - let me just say it will be a source of teasing for years to come >;-). My knee felt better, stronger on my bike than skating.

Omar's dad and I met with the teacher today. That went swimmingly - he's in a wonderful school with fantastic teachers all around. Afterwards we sat and yakked about THE KID and the parenting game plan on the curb with our Timmy's. What a relief that we get along, makes life so much more enjoyable. We really are FRIENDS and that feels so very good.

Now TONIGHT. Heh. Tonight is a special turn of events type evening. As the super-sexy and intelligent Boo refers to in her delightfully enteraining BLOG of BOO's TATOO's and OTHER STORIES "Mr. Muscles" a.k.a. my brother, who recently cancelled his Wedding. This set him back about $20,000. So, to recoup he and his crew came up the idea to host a diner Party for about 30 friends at the "Chateau Fancy Place" tonight at 6:30. What else can you do when you can't recoup a big fat honkin' deposit? That's right....PARTY! Proceeds go back to the "ex-groom".

In other news. SIMON, my faithful companion and Rasta Dog will be unzipping his winter coat today at the groomers. I don't care how close they shave him, just don't make him look like a fruit-loop, pansy dog. No fru-fru business on my dog. Simon and I have an understanding based on respect, in our deliberations and communications a rapport of respect is a fundamental for our functioning relationship. Bar none. Non-negotiable. My dog is my dog and he IS the coolest dog I know, if I don't stop now, I won't stop at all. But let's put it this way, Canada scored tickets when Bono err, U2 were here last, as a small token of my deep appreciation for catering to Simon while I was at work and he suffered from a sore hip at the end November'05.

Rasta Dog no more, Ire Timon Ire.


Blogger Canada said...

"U R 2 NICE"

"By the way, U and 2 like that, not funny!"

I'm never going to live that down, huh?

Much love and gratitude again!!!

Saturday, 06 May, 2006  
Blogger nancycle said...

Something to be fondly remembered.

Hey, did you and Jackie ever hook up?

Saturday, 06 May, 2006  

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