Thursday, May 17, 2007


Last night I was out with a friend watching the hockey game …. He’s single and identifying where he’s at after divorce etc etc. It occurred to me from speaking to him and other guys, just how often men FREAK themselves out over relationships. It’s like they are having fun and then suddenly begin having GAK feelings towards a girl (God help us all if those feelings are deep, someone get a net - he's gonna bolt!), begin to see their entire lives flashing before them as they spin out of control. I’ve actually heard a guy say this when talking about a girl he was 'serious about', “it’s like I can see my life flashing before my eyes”…Jeeezuz. Stop with the serious already dude, YOU’RE FREAKING YOURSELF OUT! Go back, have fun, relax, shoot a gun, imagine a heist, climb a mountain….But do yourself a favour and BE COOL. Life is good. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Ride it out dude.

I’m thinking, well, here’s a newsflash. We’re all gonna die and we’re all getting older every second (hope THAT helps your anxiety – lol – yeah, like hey, you have heart disease, oh and you have cancer too, feel better? Oh, did I mention your wife is pregnant with triplets…LOL Good, good, yeah that’s a comfy vibe eh? hee hee Right, ok so now LET’S PLAN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE!!!!!)….As we all know, fear & fear = paranoia. BUT, how many men are 45, 50, 55, 60 and still in search of the “holy grail” searching, searching, searching…Hey, dude, newsflash, you’re old, maybe almost dead and you didn’t figure out how to settle down and now you're alone - surprise, surprise. Maybe all they needed to do was take a deep breath, remind themselves what’s in front of them – perhaps a coffee, the newspaper, a woman, window cleaning – take a deep breath and make a decision, take a chance of continuing to have MORE fun.

Instead, what do they do? They FREAK OUT. Their emotions run high, it scares the shit out of them, causes them to internally twist and turn till they pull the plug…yet again. At what point do men STOP being afraid of loving someone? When does being tossed from the horsy on the carrousel of life not be such a scary thing and they get back on? Are men THIS sensitive and this afraid??? The answer is YES. Yes they are. Maybe one day, that twisty feeling men get that makes them want to run screaming from the dark will be interpreted in a more positive light, called excitement. Do men really need THIS much help identifying their feelings? No. I think they figure it out on their own, the smart ones do and that’s what growing up is all about. :-)

My experience from talking to men who feel like they’ve had their hearts (or in some cases, their testicles & pocket books) extracted through their navels, the idea of reliving that type of experience can in fact have such an negative effect on them that they choose many light baby approaches to a love life (see many brief “relationships” – the egg shell period as I like to call it). Perhaps of course until they met someone who helps them forget all the scary evils of life….A buddy. With boobies.

My preference is to view men as more courageous than this. But then again, I might just be being a pessimist with a hopeful outlook.

As for the SENS losing last night.

I don't want to talk about it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh sister, I hear that. I actually heard a fifty year old man refer to it as his quest for the holy tail. Isnt that evolved thinking? The scary part is, he was already married. And a doctor.

Friday, 18 May, 2007  
Blogger nancycle said...

crse - I hope he finds it. It lifts itself up and shits on him.

Friday, 18 May, 2007  
Blogger Lone Grey Squirrel said...

You see. You see. I just knew there would be comments like this. Which is why I am refusing to comment on this topic and only comment on the comments! :)

Saturday, 19 May, 2007  
Blogger nancycle said...

LGS - Wise man. lol

Tuesday, 22 May, 2007  

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