Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Kill A Deer, You'll Feel Better

I hate everybody today. Everybody accept my dad.

Sometimes the only person a girl can count on is her daddy.

I miss mine. A LOT.

Dad left a message on my machine - killed two deer (he's at hunt camp obviously). Save the killing Bambi speach, the man loves to hunt, you don't pick your family and unless you're a vegan...Well, just save it, I hate everything today too. Killing a deer might just make me feel better. Well, no, it actually wouldn't but shooting something might.

Did I mention I hate everybody? Accept if you're reading this, then you are excused from my chamber of HATE.

Off the topic of HATE for a moment, well, sort of, but not at all really. I understand there is a white peace poppy out right now. The vets are po'd calling the white poppies a disservice and a dishonour to the fallen dead, but the activists say the poppy's can "co-exist".

Something about it doesn't sit well with me. I'm not sure if it's the blatant lack of respect towards those that fought, the copyright infringement or the issue of timing. Maybe November 11th needs to be sacred. Or maybe, just maybe we need to make room for peace. It's bold, I'll be the mastermind and state the obvious. But who wants to piss of a frickin' veteran? Dumb asses.

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Blogger crse said...

Oh buddy I hear you. I hope your dad gets home soon. You are making me want to call mine right now! (he is so good in these kinds of situations) Im looking into this peace poppy thing because i may be one of the dumb asses but i cant figure out why they are offensive.

Wednesday, 08 November, 2006  
Blogger Canada said...

White poppies? Kinda lame. I think there can be a co-exist, but white lillies are more peaceful and appropriate. The poppies are because of Flanders Field. They were red.

Hey, I am all for eating venison, and for those who enjoy the hunt, great - have fun, be safe. But I do NOT want to see Bambi's dead glassy eyes, thank you very much. I prefer not to see my food in its previous incarnation. Tarp it for the drive home!!!

A little more Etouffe, rice, and some hushpuppies would go well about now. Hmmm, I wonder how Hubby would feel if I decided to make Bananas Foster - I have all ingredients. Flambee, anyone?

Wednesday, 08 November, 2006  

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