Sunday, November 19, 2006


Friday’s all day course was cool. I got to see pics like this before breakfast. Deeelightful! The fun thing about this work is you get to be exposed to blood, pus, bone, gingival flaps and kill things with a vengeance! Sure it’s viruses and bacteria, but trust me, they’re nasty buggers!!! The course featured more laser technology, this one boasts a dye injected into the periodontal pocket that adheres to the membrane of the meanest nastier bugs then illuminate with laser and the little bastards implode leaving the good guys totally intact = promotes healing. How cool is THAT?! Get’s my vote. See? Killing can be fun! :-)

* Understand, this is after teeth like these have been cleaned.

Omar asked about where I put his first tooth the other day. I may have written about the natural beauty of this tooth. We negotiated via a small note to the tooth fairy a "viewing" of the tooth for a $5 fee with a promisary note of selling to her exclusively the next lost tooth. She accepted. Afterall, this tooth was dental the equivalent to the hope diamond. Pray I find it.
((hugs & kisses))

My only complaint? The nasty douche bag that thought it was necessary to take a bath in perfume. I’m sure it was terribly expensive, but it was also terribly offensive. I’ll never understand, be it man or woman, why on earth people feel it necessary to slather themselves in scent. To me, the hint of a fragrance, where it leaves me yearning for a second whiff is far me enticing than someone ramming smell up me nose assaulting me from all directions. Two words: GO. AWAY.

In other stinks, something has found a corner of my fridge to die in. The culprit is still in hiding, but authorities are on the case.

Took Omar to 67’s game Friday night – they put us up on the BIG SCREEN ~ that was fun and man do those boys play hockey with heart.

Santa came to town on Saturday – Omar understood that this was a big deal when we were given special priviledges by police to travel down blocked roads because of his participation in the parade. I got some great shots of the kids (Canada – you’ll love me for this~!) After we had a bite and warmed up, Omar sat on Santa’s knee. Standing in line waiting, it went something like this:

Omar: Mom, that’s not the real Santa.

Me: No? Why do you say that?
Omar: Look closely, you can see a bit of brown hair – you have to look close.
Me: Hmmm *crouching down to Omar’s level, critically eyeing ole Saint Nick* I see what you see..... Makes sense. I think the real Santa had another booking downtown.
Omar: That’s one of Santa’s helpers, not an Elf, the Elves are smaller.


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Blogger crse said...

Oh my god Nan! I have a horrible aversion to other people's teeth in general, so your work is front line heroic to me. In fact, Gill just asked me why i gasped just now, so appalling are those pictures. Did i ever tell you about my sonicare toothbrush? Anyway, how cute is Omar's little weekend of fame!

Sunday, 19 November, 2006  
Blogger nancycle said...

crse - I burnt out of front line work years ago, but still in the industry.

I uploaded some nice bunny pics to give your eyes a rest and after totally grossing out Omar. I had intended on putting up the image of a cute baby, but couldn't find the right one.

Don't click ON the pics - it only gets worse.

No, you never told me about your Sonicare toothbrush. I gave one to my Dad years ago - he loves it.

Omar's wants X-mas decorations up now...Gotta go!

Sunday, 19 November, 2006  
Blogger nancycle said...

crse - I just found the cute baby, he was over on your blog!

Sunday, 19 November, 2006  
Blogger Canada said...

Eeeeewww!!! My 6x/day brushing habit is about to increase, I can feel it now!

Can't wait to see the pics from the parade - you know Hubby forgot the camera, of course.

Talk soon, need coffee and have to unpack.

Monday, 20 November, 2006  

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