Friday, January 05, 2007

Nothing to see here. Keep moving. Stay to the right. Thank you!

Pity Party! All join in!!!

A) I’m still ill and deathly tired. I left the house yesterday for the first time since New Year’s Day.
B) I’ve been working my tail feathers off here at home in between advil and blogger distractions. Made major ground, but it was KILLER.
C) Only three months into this new job and I have a mountain of organizing, preparing, goal setting, reading and presenting to get ready for because I want to be back seeing clients as of MONDAY and for the entire week.
D) I put in a full day in at the office today in an attempt to get done that which I couldn’t achieve at home.
E) Omar helped me remove the Christmas tree decorations last night, the tree when out now there are pine needles literally ALL OVER THE PLACE.
F) The hamster cage is dismantled on the kitchen floor. She’s in her “hamster car”, I’m EXHAUSTED and I need to get Omar packed for his dad’s and hockey tomorrow.
G) I have a MOUNTAIN of Christmas garbage that needs to go to the curb TONIGHT.
H) I have a TON on Christmas decorations to put away.
I) I need to wax.
J) There is laundry to fold. There’s dishes in the sink.
K) My sense of humor is somewhere under a rock.

That’s what’s NOT done. Here’s what IS done:

A) Beds are clean and good to go.
B) Bathrooms are clean.
C) Groceries are done.
D) Dog has been bathed. (I nearly stopped breathing due to my cold & asthma last night getting that one done…)
E) Laundry is clean (just needs to be folded)

F) There's always time for air hockey and billiards :)

Oh GOD what else?! Someone throw me a frickin’ bone! Tell me it will all be better in the morning. Tell me my throat will feel better! Tell me I’ll be ready for Monday! Tell me CANADA will kick ass in hockey! SOMEONE ! ANYONE! PLEASE!

Ok. I’ve gotta deal with the rodent.

Sweet Jesus help the single mom.



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