Saturday, June 24, 2006

Clickity Click Barba Trick

I mean really, what's the matter with me? I'm clearing out some things upstairs, tossing out some stuff, moving other stuff around from room to room when I come across my nursing bra. Keep it, toss it...??? GAK! While I have ZERO need for a nursing bra, I find myself struggling to give it away. Unwilling to part with it, I tuck it deep-deep into my nether regions of my "delicates" drawer. Then it hits me. A wave of guilt washes over me. Someone, somewhere could really use this nursing bra. I reason that if I ever need a nursing bra, I could buy another one...Without thinking, I bring the white plastic clip of the "quick release" boobie portion to it's counterpart and upon hearing that familar "click" sound - I burst into tears!!! I mean really, what's the matter with me?!

Canada, Clara and Corwin were - awesome - as always, your children are forever welcome to come over. They always leave me with something that leaves me smiling. If it's not Corwin humming merrily away from the bathroom while putting his swim trunks on, it's his sayings "I'm gonna blast outta here", "let's rock and roll gang" :) ... He's so...Happy. Both of them - maybe it's a twin thing ;).

Corwin: Omar you're a really correct kid
Omar: Huh?
Corwin: You know, you know a lot of things
Omar: Oh, yeah. OK, let me tell you about metamorphisis.....

I'm still plowing through the left overs of last night's sleep over and about to push it all away and see what the trails have to offer. I was up L-A-T-E doing A's hair (turned out great) and a gave her a quicky pedicure - she graduates on Tuesday and was chosen to lead the school with MC duties. Little C - fell asleep without his soother and Omar played Big Brother helping him get ready for bed and even read him a story. He was still complaining of a sore throat and a little cough but it seems to be getting better.

Peace out friends! Time to nurse myself with some Paul Simon and a ride.

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Field Trip

The field trip was a hoot. I was given the honour of having three little guys to watch over, make sure they ate their lunches, to fetch rubber boots, apply sunscreen, bug spray and so on. My son was very happy that I was chosen to go on this feild trip and proud to have me ride the bus, so I wouldn't have to drive you know ;). The boys all sat together in one seat ~ very, very cute. In the morning after a rather indepth tutorial that included how to wash our hands and how much paper we were allowed to use to dry them, about twenty of us were released into the field with nets and clear cups to hunt and capture insects which were put into a large clear aquarium or pretty hanging butterfly lanterns. In the afternoon large nets scooped muck from the pond exposing long leeches, creepy crawlies, speedy beetles and so on that were collected in large plastic basins. It was nicethat I was familiar with so many of the children and other parents, it made the experience that much more enjoyable.

In other news work is working itself out slowly. Currently in salary negotiation with two offices and awaiting another reply...The consulting stuff is always a bonus and most fun.

The X has sufficiently pulled another mentally confusing maneouver with our son. He e-mailed me asking if could have Omar Friday night. Nope, we already made other plans, inviting a friend over for a sleepover. What does X do? When son is at his house he asks son if he'd like to come over on Friday night. (yes this is after e-confirmation) Seven year old says yes, OH but I can't we're having a sleep over. X says maybe if you ask your mom...

Son & I had a little talk about empathy.

ie. How did it feel when your dad cancelled on you on Father's day? Right, bad. Was he thinking about your feelings or his feelings? How do you think your friend would feel if you cancelled for Friday night. Right, bad. So would you be thinking about your feelings or his feelings?


Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Is Paris Burning? Is Paris Burning?

In other news....Omar's sperm donor dad wouldn't make time for him on Father's Day and cancelled the plans they'd made Saturday night same day. Omar has been upset about it ever since and wanted to chuck all the Father's Day gifts he had made for "dear ole dud" in the garbage. This coupled with a no show at Omar's final ball game of last night where metals and team photo's were handed out, pizza was eaten and fathers proudly watched their kids do their thing... a grave situation to say the least.

Seems there's not a man in sight who can pull a General Dietrich Choltitz for my son over this one. So much for the men's tactical team.

My brother and especially my dad get points, for being as steady and reliable as always.

And here, Tom Petty is Saving Grace.