Saturday, November 04, 2006


Home from "explanding" my brain....My proof-reader became a billionaire and has taken early retirement it seems...

WOW! What a week!!! What a fantastic group!!! This is the first time that I've travelled for work and I must say it was a successful adventure all around.

Great speaker from the US, entertaining, stretch limos and more Martini's than this gal's had in a lifetime. What made the stay even more comfortable was that I received a private room.

I came home to the most adorable little boy who'd been running a fever and had lost a tooth. We spent the night playing together and cuddling.

I haven't unpacked yet, but have started with my wish lists for today, for next week and for 2007.
My son is asking me to find one of these:

For his:

With THIS as his ultimate goal:

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

Gone Fishing!

Hey y'all.
I'm taking a week to expland my brain...Hope it doesn't hurt.
Be good, play nice.
Nancy xo

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