Me speakin zee dooich vith Omar zis mernin. Mama vanted to see da ealthy fude eatten frume hiz loonch er I'd be stringin heem up by heez two nails. Zis was da tret.
Don't ask.
You know, rites of passage or coming of age celebrations in different cultures is very interesting. It's true. Last night as I was putting the wee lad to bed I was explaining how in some communities trees are bent symbolizing birth and the boy on his way to big boydom passes through. In other societies the passage is marked by physically scarring the man/boy. Omar passed gas this morning while getting ready, that was impressive. :-/ Either way, we'll see if my guidance (aka "interference") aids in keeping him out of the "Trouble Bubble" (aka "detention")today.
Don't ask.
You know, rites of passage or coming of age celebrations in different cultures is very interesting. It's true. Last night as I was putting the wee lad to bed I was explaining how in some communities trees are bent symbolizing birth and the boy on his way to big boydom passes through. In other societies the passage is marked by physically scarring the man/boy. Omar passed gas this morning while getting ready, that was impressive. :-/ Either way, we'll see if my guidance (aka "interference") aids in keeping him out of the "Trouble Bubble" (aka "detention")today.
My bike, he calls to me...
Other things rolling around in my bucket.... asking the BF if he wants to go go-karting Saturday night, The Jeepers heart and crown health issues, Who's Bloody Birthday IS IT anyway?, Canada's (aka Just Jump In) hubby stalling on my neckar's sewing point negotiation e-mail, who can really consume 8 glasses of water daily?, 15 reasons why I haven't learned to Zen my way through mowing the lawn, "Man Slave, Man Slave, Man Slave, oh, where art thou my Man Slave?", the complexities of dating/children and holidays...annnnnd on THAT note, it's time to kick it ON MY BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIKE!!!!!!!!! And how! I have a 3:45 manicure with Parifin treatment - eww la-la, only after dog poo pick up, dog wash, lawn mow, laundry fold, fresh linens on all beds and err umm am I forgetting anything??? Oh yes, the furnace filter return (got wrong size), , windows, closets...thank goodness there's no snow to shovel!
On the bright side, I have a good book to read : IRISH GIRLS ABOUT TOWN and the ladies at my son's daycare asked me if I'd like to be a substitute for them! :)
In other news....