Friday, December 15, 2006

The Crush

The concept of “Crush” has been mentioned at least a half dozen times in my blog, not as in what you would do if you found an earwig in your sleeping bag, in which case I would be crushing with a vengeance. I talked about the fear of crushing a kid's spirit, or feeling crushed and my first crush to name a few.

Then there's "The Crush" of all crushes, the crushendo of crush, the affectionate kind, as in that someone who you don't even know, but look forward to seeing, hearing from, that person who brightens your day, that guy or gal who might look your way, talk to you in the elevator (or in this case updates his/her Blog or leaves a comment) and somehow, makes life even that little bit better. Imagine that! If I weren't so EXHAUSTED, I could begin to delve into the levels of crushicity, C1 - C10 that determine the dedication and devotion (or infatuation) of one's crush...Perhaps for another time....

So, to have Ms. Sizzle declare today “REVEAL YOUR CRUSH” day, definitely caught my attention as someone who believes that crushes are an integral part of life! Not to mention that I think honesty and a good healthy dose of admittance beit private or public are good for one's soul. This was EASY for me, having already announced my crushtitude in
October. Apparently, I have good taste... as “groupie status” as it may be. I profess my crush once again.

All hail
Dave! Thanks for being a model crush.

Others who have spread the love by exposing their Blog Crushes:

Ms. Sizzle

Thanks for the fun idea!

Before I go, I feel it necessary to include my buddy who is no stranger to the "Girl Crush" and who I think is perfectly crushable material...Check her out! zamphir panflutemaster

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Thursday, December 14, 2006

Excuse Moi...

OH GOD IT'S GOOD TO BE HOME!!! I could gush a gallon of love about seeing Omar.

We were DRENCHED in information over the week. Since I don't even know where to begin...I'll just say that hanging out with my french comrades was Too. Much. Fun. More than I could write here and now. Memories to turn over and over in my mind for days to come.


I am currently typing on, eww, mm, a few hours of sleep and therefore really have nothing to offer. It's time to rub up against everything in my house and go to bed!

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Sunday, December 10, 2006


How I feel about leaving Omar, the pets and my home so close to Christmas

Be back Thursday.

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Not to belabour the point...BUT,

(click here, please-please click me, C-liiiiick, there's a traiiiiler...)

While I may never get off Shrek,
before I get onto Charlotte's Web, (five days till the release *DEC 15*)
I needed to give my
all time Spongeworthy approval one final time.

Did you click?

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Here are some other bloggers who were neurotic ...err...
brave enough to take this quiz
and post their inner seductress:



How much fun are home parties that take place out in the majestic rolling hills Chelsea, Quebec? Even more fun when it’s a B-eautiful log home on a remote cul de sac, decked out with Christmas lights and hosted by two of the nicest people you’ll ever meet, Dr.R and his vivacious wife. In addition to this, then there’s The Crowd: massage therapists, chiropractors, acupuncturists, energy healers, a woman who helps people work through sacred contract transitions, yogis, a man who has a computer program that reads your aura (we talked for quite a while), a jewelry maker, a woman who works with essential oils, another woman who wrote an excellent humorous cook book with her sister and they are now hosting a TV cooking show and many more people that I didn’t get to talk to. It’s really interesting learning about other people’s beliefs and what they do for a living. The food was superb – everything from pretzels to dried squid, warm artichoke dip, holistic, organic – you name it. The windows which overlooked the property’s mountain view on the hilltop were adorned with apples on the ledges, some cored and used as candle holders. We played games, whacked a piñata, Dr. R headed to the second floor to pull on the rope while guest were blind folded, spun and released swinging! I’m proud to say that I even won a prize for going low-low-low under the limbo pole ~ I didn’t know I could go that low, especially in the company of yoga bendy people ~ challenging to do in a skirt! … I gracefully skinned my knee giving one for the team on my fifth or sixth pass under the pole as it reached a dangerously low height, but I didn’t give up! ~ I’m sure my wounds will heal nicely in this company and I made sure to ask the chiropractor if he works tomorrow when I’m seized up in bed from folding my body in half. Upon leaving Mrs. R was giving a smashing lip sink to the Grease Soundtrack on top of the fireplace ledge while her hubby tape-recorded her performance. If I can say so, she's an absolute babe - her and her husband make a great match. What a fun crowd! I’m writing this completely exhausted and ready for bed, yet totally inspired and focused on “The Secret”. Gotta hit the sheets. …. Too tired to write anymore of this totally self indulgent post, but too much fun not to record it while it’s still fresh …

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