Saturday, December 23, 2006

Thanks to .... You know who you are.

'What will your obituary say?' at

As I mentioned to crse, I just figured out how I want to die a couple of days ago, it came to me in a fit of laughter while doing the dishes. This, is the icing on the cake.

You know who you are.


Fun Under the Bed

Full House

While Omar continues to count every good deed on his way to a bunny, "Maawwwm, I let the dog out, that's another point, ummm, I'm at 93 now ~ another step towards a bunny".

I buckled and got another fish. The one above was "Frank III". I'm not sure what Omar will name the newest Betta.

If you read about me building a bunny hutch in February, send help.

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Friday, December 22, 2006

Green Christmas

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, but the way things are going it will be a frosty Christmas or an icy one.
I took this picture early one morning, before the sun did it's thing ~ first frost.

If you're into the macro look at what micro can offer, click on the pic.

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Pig Pen

Wooo Hooooo!!!! All the presents are wrapped, the bathrooms are clean. Just to vacuum and dust tomorrow, maybe a little laundry and we're GOOD TO GO!

At one point in my life I was so sick of working for other people, (I was the highest producing employee in my department, but had a micro-managing hag for a boss who used to stand behind me while I worked until I thought I'd peel out of my skin). She needed to be drop kicked. Anyway, finally one day I had enough and quit my job rather unexpectedly without other work lined up. So, I started to work for myself cleaning homes. I didn't care about the cleaning, didn't care about the labour, I've always been a good worker, I just couldn't hack working for anyone else anymore.

There were many perks, my own hours, if I felt like calling it a "Ski Day" it was my call, all my customers were fan-frickin-tastic and if they weren't, I turfed them and replaced them with people I liked. The money was decent too.

Side benefit, today I can whip through my house to clean it in record time. No, I'm not going over to clean your house, so don't be cute and ask. I was so grossed out watching a show today I think it's called "Is Your Home Clean Enough". I don't remember, but this woman was living in an absolute pig pen, the cat(s) would puke and shit and piss under her bed, there was animal hair everywhere, the kitchen was filthy, the bathroom! UGH! She had boots and shoes in her tub!? Who does that?!!!! A slob that's who. Her microwave was disgusting OMG it was a nightmare.

They did culture swabs of her computer keyboard and under her bed, it was actually a viable health hazard the way she was living. That would scare the shit out of me. If I'm really tired or stressed I have trouble breathing and I think if I were in her house, I'd have a full blown asthma attack.

Some people's kids.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Hockey, Dear Sweet Hockey


52 seconds left in play, Emery is pulled and Tampa Bay sink it in an empty net.


4-2 when all is said and done. Maybe they'll have more luck in the Tampa Bay away game in March. Sharp game all around.

They need to up their S.O.N.

Spezza's hurt but pulled a second period super sweet play that resulted in a goal, Redden was solid after 9 games out and Heatly scored his 150th career goal. Neil took a CHEAP shot to the back of the head.

Next A Station game, New Year's Day.

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Christmas Shopping for the Gifted

Standing in long lines, navigating narrow isles with large shopping carts, not to mention people coughing, kids crying and the like are all part and parcel when Christmas shopping.

I have assumed Jedi shopping mentality. It has been working LIKE A CHARM. For example, last night
Canada picked me up with her “not a mini-van” and we headed to the GREAT CANADIAN SUPER STORE to help Santa lighten his sleigh load with the purchase of a HUGE games table (air hockey, pool, ping pong).

While waiting for the sales clerk to wheel out this 200lb GW (183lb NW for the record ;-)) I became quite parched and wanted to zoom over to the drink isle which is a short hike to the other side of the store. I knew I wanted Ting and set off on my mission leaving Canada browsing the toy section.

I have my course plotted allowing for quickest return time when sudddenly my plan becomes foiled! I am boxed in! A man at ten o'clock and a couple with a grocery cart at twelve and one o'clock, from the rear a small family close in with a loaded shopping cart. The Christmas isle was a bad choice I admit, but SO much fun to walk through, who could resist?

Then the words come to me:

Mentally I tell the man on my left in my faux British accent
“That gift is not appropriate, why am I looking at this, I could be home watching TV, my feet hurt…”

To my utter amazement he suddenly turns and walks past me. One down. Next the couple on my right.

“Yes, this is perfect, put it in the cart, a young and very attractive lady is behind you trying to get by, it's Christmas time, do the right thing and move aside”.

BINGO! Full of apologises and smiles they clear room and I'm by!

Two for two!

Grabbing my Ting and prying the cap off, the delicious contents splashing over my arid mucosa ~ SUCCESS!

I return just in time as the clerk wheels up to
Canada with the game table and we set off to “not the mini-van” to load it up.

Jedi shopping is the way to go.

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Monday, December 18, 2006

Some Things Never Change

"Oh yeah and Mom, I need a gold hat to wear in the play tomorrow."

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Sunday, December 17, 2006

Happy Holy Days

Upon arriving at the OIA (Ottawa International Airport) you see, it’s a modest airport, the ride down the escalator deposits you at the bottom of a water wall and baggage pick up. I happen to notice the Christmas decorations; I also notice that the Ottawa airport has included two GIGANTIC Dreidels on top of the carrousels. Did I mention that they are GINORMEOUS? Huge. Really-really big. Now, I don’t want to be misunderstood, I have nothing against Jewish people or Hanukkah – I have Jewish friends, worked for Jewish people for the past ten years, dated a Jewish guy. The Dreidel is just SUPER BIG. Impressive really.

So, I’m at home listening to the news and I hear about a Judge who removed the Christmas tree from the courthouse. Wuh?!?! She didn’t think it was right to have people of other faith walk into the courthouse to see such a display of Christianity. Sheesh…. What’s the matter with people!? Even people of other religions told her to put the Christmas tree back up and she was told that rather than removing Christmas, she should have included a little something from all other faiths to make it multi-faith.

I wonder how far off the OIA is from honoring that one too.

It's about time that SOMEONE put it all together, huh?

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